In this transformative burlesque-inspired theatre adaptation of Dickens' classic, a reserved day job worker named Scrooge is taken on a whimsical journey by glamorous spirits who show them the magic of life, community, and art during the holidays. As they embrace their true self, Scrooge finds redemption and joy amidst a world of vibrant performers, culminating in a dazzling celebration of friendship and the power of embracing one's passion.
Step into a world where the enchanting art of burlesque collides with the heartwarming story of Scrooge and her ghostly encounters. Be prepared for seductive dance routines, holiday cheer and a queering of Dickens classic as you’ve never seen it!
"A Burlesque-Mas Carol" is the perfect event to get you into the holiday spirit. Whether you're a burlesque enthusiast or simply looking for a unique way to kick off the season, come get in the spirits with us!
Dec. 6th 7pm | Dec. 7th 1:30PM & 7PM | The Painted Lady